ABDACOM The American-British-Dutch-Australian Command
Indos Dutch subjects of NEI of mixed Dutch and native NEI blood.
KPM Koninklijke Paketvaart-Maatschappij (Royal Packet Navigation Company)
ML-KNIL Militaire Luchtvaart KNIL (Royal Netherlands East Indies Airforce).
KNILM Koninklijke Nederlandsch-Indische Luchtvaart Maatschappij (Royal Dutch Indies Airways)
MLD Militaire Luchtvaart Dienst (The Royal Netherlands Navy Air Service).
KNIL Koninklijk Nederlands Indisch Leger (The Royal Netherlands East Indies Army)
NEI Netherlands East indies (Nederlands Indië)
SWPA South West Pacific Area.
UNCI Unites Nations Commission for Indonesia (1949-1951)
UNGOC United Nations Good Offices Committee Indonesia (1947-1949)
WWII World War Two